
The history of diamonds

The word diamond is mentioned in the Old Testament as part of the shield of the great Cohen. Of course, it is impossible to know if what is referred to there is the same gemstone that we know today although it is possible that it is.

Gemstones, and particularly diamonds, have always been regarded as a symbol of prestige and wealth with man always being attracted to them and mentioned them in books and legends. Diamonds were used for their beauty and for religious and mystical ceremonies as in Judaism. Needless to say, it was the wealthy who could afford to have gemstones set in jewelry as a way of showing off their riches.

As far as we know, the first diamonds came from India, and the Indians developed early stone polishing. Diamonds are the most interesting and attractive of gemstones – full of life and charm. As a result, it is not surprising that over time diamonds became the most in demand of gemstones and demand grew and grew. Diamonds are the dream of mankind looking for happiness and wealth. For many, diamonds represent perfect love as well as reliability and happiness.

Of all the gemstones, diamonds are the most loved. Throughout history, kings have cherished them and worn them as a symbol of their power, bravery and wealth. Through time, diamonds have always had a special status, both in legends and reality, and as an expression of complete love.

The root of the word diamond comes from the words "Adams" in Greek, meaning unbreakable.

The famous Kimberley mine in South Africa

Finding diamonds in nature
To a certain extent, the exact source of diamonds is not completely clear even today. As far as is known, diamonds were created three billion years ago as a result of high pressure and high temperatures deep underground which turned carbon into diamond crystals. The volcanic mass, in which the crystallization took place, was then pushed upwards to the surface of the earth and cooled down in kimberlite or lamphroite pipes which are where most diamonds are found today.

It is no easy task to produce diamonds for jewelry or industrial uses. On average, you need to mine 250 tons of ore from the kimberlite to have enough material from which to create a one carat polished diamond. Consequently, it is not difficult to understand why diamonds are so rare and prestigious. To turn a rough diamond into the finished article, highly skilled craftsmen are required who can uncover the extraordinary beauty of the stone while it is still in a rough state and in a range of colors – from white and yellow to green, blue, pink and even red – the rarest color of all.

Today, diamonds are the gemstones in which the most investment is made from the point of view of mining and grading of stones. Processing diamonds requires great exactness and delicacy and the finished article is sold in a range of shapes and qualities at different price ranges.

The beauty of a diamond, its mystery and charm, wins the heart of millions of people the world over, and words cannot suffice to describe the eternal attraction of these stones.